
How Rare It Is
November 22, 2011, 8:12 pm
Filed under: entertainment, humor, love, Parenting, Teenagers | Tags: , , ,

I looked down the aisle at my three boys.  Isaac was slouched in his seat as low as he could go and still see over the row in front of him.  John was next to him about the same height but not slouching. Then there was Christian who of course was not sitting but in constant motion as we waited for the movie to start.  Jessie and a friend of hers were in the row directly in front of us and next to me was my sister Kathi.  It what was a minor miracle, all the kids had agreed to see the same movie at the same time and actually sit together. They all not only agreed but wanted to see “Happy Feet 2.”

Christian had expressed interest in going and Jessie is always up for an animated movie but when I told the other two boys we were going, they were adamant that they wanted to come too.Isaac was bewildered why I would not have thought he would want to go. My seventeen year old son who was so elated he was now old enough to go to a rated R movie without me or his dad, who loves action and suspense and makes fun of most musicals, wanted to go see “Happy Feet 2.” John was a bit less enthusiastic but still wanted to go.

At that moment it would not have mattered if the movie was terrible.  I was having a “visa moment” and it was priceless.  I was with five of my most favorite people in the whole world, waiting to watch a movie about penguins who sing and dance.  How rare it is these days that we can all agree on the same thing to see. How rare it is that my kids are willing to be seen with me at a public place dominated by their friends. How rare it is to share in laughter, innocent joy and silliness that is not sarcastic or at someone else’s expense.

Happy Feet is a movie that makes you glad to be alive.  It is corny and preachy about the environment and a bit over the top and I loved it!!  I love that my kids are still kids enough to want to go see it.  That they are not too cool or hip or their swag too much to be able to allow themselves the chance to enjoy it. It made me feel good as a parent that my children who are fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen are confident and self-assured enough to go to this movie and not be embarrassed. It gave me a glimpse of the past when they went to their first big screen movie and of the future when they will be taking their own kids.

The movie was good, the company excellent, and the memory written in the laugh lines on my face. How rare it is, indeed.

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